City of Sterling Heights, Michigan

October 13, 2014

To whom it may concern,

In early 2014 our Department of Public Works purchased a Total Patcher VORTEX from Equipment Marketing Company. To date we have been very pleased with the productivity of the machine. The VORTEX has been utilized in all types of weather and road conditions to great success. The ability to drive on the finished product immediately is a huge benefit of this repair. Most importantly we now have the ability to perform a more permanent fix on the roadways with minimal effort and cost. Additionally, residents have given us excellent feedback on the end product of this machine.

The entire Equipment Marketing team is a pleasure to work with, as they are available anytime for questions/concerns/emails. The level of training and advice provided by Cliff Dickehut is superior.

Please do not hesitate to contact me with any questions.


Michael Moore

Operations Manager