November 27, 2006
The Henderson County Road Department purchased and has been using the Total Patcher and Total Tank system for approximately six months now. We have found that the Total Patcher is far superior to the patching method we use to use. The Total Patcher system has made it easier for us to maintain potholes on our county roadways. We also use it for cuts in the roadway for culvert installations. The process of patching with the Total Patcher is much less strenuous than the cold patch mis we use to sue and patches on the roads last much longer. The Total Patcher systems has great case of use, fill up the tank and truck with materials and the Total Patcher pretty much does the work itself, it cleans the potholes, places the rock and sprays the hot mix to make a perfect patch that will last.
We would like to thank you for showing us the Total Patcher, and once we purchased it for all your help in making use everything was set up the right way. Your customer service is to be commended; you have always been available when we've had questions. Thank you for a product that does what its' name suggest "Total Patcher".
William A. Hubiak PE
Henderson County Engineer
NOTE: They now own two TOTAL PATCHERS